Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Correct Way to Weld Titanium

Titanium screws are an essential part of modern industry. Strong and resilient, the small screws last for decades and resist corrosion and disfigurement. Learning how to properly weld titanium sheets or parts is a valuable skill. Nor does it have to be a complicated one, since few basic tools and little specialized knowledge are necessary. Locate a pair of cotton work gloves, a hair dryer, some alcohol, a standard welding torch, and the metal sheets or parts to be welded. It is smart not to use your regular work gloves since you need a perfectly clean surface for welding. Titanium welding calls for a pristine surface. In fact, any tiny pieces of dirt or grime will cause discoloration and possible disfigurations of the piece. Always remove all dust and dirt from the metal before welding. Titanium screws are used in practically every industrial application because they are inexpensive and last a very long time. Use the alcohol to disinfect the metal. Then, eliminate all residual moisture with the hair dryer. Once the sheeting or part is completely dry and clean, you are ready to weld. The key thing to remember during welding is to regulate the argon flow. If the argon stream becomes too intense or too slack, then your final piece will look discolored or swirled. Titanium screws come in all shapes and sizes for literally thousands of different industrial uses. Once the welding job is complete, maintain caution when handling the metal. Until the titanium piece is completely cool, it is susceptible to disfigurement and discoloration. Continue to wear the cotton gloves while handling the welded item for at least several hours after the task is complete. Titanium screws, and other titanium components, play a vital role in the modern industrial world. A proper welding job can create a piece that will last for many decades.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Benefits of Medical Grade Titanium

Titanium benefits are many. The automotive, architectural and aerospace worlds use the metal a lot to benefit technology on a regular basis. But none of these use it more than the medical world. Titanium bar resists corrosion so much that the human bone makes it a perfect host for things like titanium rods, plates or pins. The dental part of medicine has their hand in titanium surgical treatments as well. Titanium alloys are great because they give the body almost no chance of infection due to the purity of the metal. They are neither fracture-prone nor are they prone to corrosion. Take a look at some of these benefits of medical grade titanium: · Corrosion Resistant · Non-toxic · Long-lasting · Strong · Lightweight · Non-ferromagnetic · Cost-efficient · Biocompatible · Flexibility · Long range availability A couple of the best benefits that medical grade titanium are its corrosion resistance and the high ratio concerning strength-to-weight. Put this together with the fact it isn’t toxic and the ability to fight corrosion from all bodily fluids and you have a perfect metal when it comes to medicine. In fact, no other metal can do what titanium does. This alloy is all long-lasting and durable as well. When a doctor inserts titanium screws, pins, plates, rods or cages, they can last for two decades or maybe more. Dental titanium might even last longer. In fact, there are very few reasons why medical facilities have not already made the switch over to medical grade titanium.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Titanium is Hypoallergenic?

If you have been limited to wearing plastic jewelry because of some kind of metal allergy, there is good reason you should try your hand at Titanium. Unlike cobalt, chromate and nickel, Titanium shouldn’t be the source of your skin discoloration, rashes or irritation like it is for others.

Titanium is hypoallergenic which means it doesn’t react to chlorine, sunlight or salt water any other bodily fluids that can secrete from a body. This is the main reason why titanium is being used in many medical implants like artificial knees and hips. In fact, this is the reason why jewelry made from titanium doesn’t cause adverse reactions.

When it comes to looks, titanium is one of the most beautiful metals on the planet as well as one of the hardest and lightest metals known to mankind. It is because of this reason that it is a popular in jewelry making and other type of consumers manufacturing.

Titanium block watches are also rising in popularity as of late. In this case, the bezel and the band of fine watches are made from titanium. Even top selling brands like Citizen, Tissot and Skagen are using the metal in the production of a lot of their watches. It's because of the metal’s lightness and strength that makes it a study and well crafted timepiece.

So whether it is a skin allergy or it is the fact that you want a stylish metal watch, you just can’t go wrong by owning titanium bar jewelry. It's a hypoallergenic, great looking, lightweight yet strong metal and this combo of great attributes is what makes the metal perfect for outstanding uses.

Friday, September 28, 2012

How is Titanium Made?

In order to make a titanium block or ingot, there is a specific scientific process that must be carefully followed. Titanium is abundant in the crust of the earth, but does not occur by itself. Rather, it is present in rutile, limonite sphene, iron ores, and titanates. Almost seventy years ago, William Kroll developed a method by which titanium could be produced commercially into the form of a titanium block. The minerals that contain titanium must be charged with a chlorinator in order to make them spongy. At this stage, the substance is referred to as titanium tetrachloride. The chlorinator causes the ores to become porous. After the oxygen is removed from the titanium tetrachloride, a colorless material is left behind. This substance is then distilled. A chemical process is initiated which results in a metallic titanium sponge. An electrode vacuum arc furnace is needed at this point in order to transform the metallic sponge into a titanium block. Before that can occur, however, the spongy material must be completely crushed and pressed. When the pulverizing stage is complete, the resultant substance is then melted in the vacuum arc furnace at very high temperatures. Titanium block ingots are shaped into various sizes, with some weighing as much as six tons. After the development of pure titanium for industrial uses, an economic market soon came into being for the prized metal. With more than a hundred industrial uses, titanium is considered both a financial and scientific success. The aerospace industry uses the metal for its strength and low weight. That combination makes it perfect for dozens of high-tech aerospace applications. In the world of ornamental jewelry, titanium has become a very popular metal, leading to a large demand for titanium bracelets, necklaces, and rings. A titanium block can be melted down and uses in smaller quantities, making it usable for any number of other industries as well.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Titanium Hair Straightener Benefits

There are many hair straighteners on the market, however two of today’s most sought-out would have to be the ceramic and the titanium plate kinds. This is mainly because both kinds surpass quality standards further than any other of competitors.

But hair straighteners were not created to be equal. To find out which one of these two suits you best, you will have to try them out yourself. Here are a few facts about each to help steer you in the right direction.

Titanium hair straighteners are typically preferred by hair salons and stylists. This is due to the titanium plates, which have the ability to heat up right away. The short heat-up period leaves you with less waiting time and gives you a faster option to get your hair done and get yourself out the door. A bonus? Heat is distributed so evenly that there is no chance of you scorching your head.

With titanium hair straighteners, salons usually will have a more efficient time servicing clients because they will be able to accommodate more customers in a shorter amount of time. Titanium plate straighteners also give you professional results that will only come from these kinds of hair straighteners.

Ceramics can provide the new hair stylist an easy way to get started off with their routine. Ceramic plated-style hair straighteners will usually provide a person will a gentle warm temperature that will spread to a moderate but not too hot feeling. With most ceramic hair straighteners, your waiting time for temperatures to get just right is much longer than it would be than titanium, so salons do not like to use them very often. Yet for those who are just starting out with straightening their hair, the lower temperatures are less intimidating than the titanium models.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Titanium Watches

Men and women are discovering the beauty, benefits and durability of titanium watches. They have advantages over other materials such as stainless steel, platinum or gold filled watches because titanium is resistant to scratching, corrosion and is a very light weight metal. The most commonly known use for titanium watches is for diving watches because titanium isn’t impacted by exposure to extreme weather conditions or saltwater. Titanium didn’t make its way into the mainstream until nearly the mid 1970s; before that it was seen most regularly in construction of space craft and aviation materials. Once titanium is exposed to the atmosphere it forms an oxide film that helps resist corrosion. That makes this silver-gray material perfect for aircraft for which it is exposed to extreme atmospheric extremes. Titanium is a metal that is considered environmentally sound and is also in plentiful supply. While it may be slightly more expensive to manufacture than other metals, the price you pay for it is an investment in its beauty and durability. Even though titanium is durable and resistant to weather and scratches, it became more wide spread in its use as a material for jewelry because of its color. Because white metals, such as platinum and white gold, have seen resurgence in popularity in recent years, titanium and its color have become more prized in that aspect. Men that work in construction jobs or other positions in which their watch might take a battering, prefer titanium surplus over other jewelry materials because the watch will stay intact. For men that don’t work in careers in which their watches will be subjected to abuse, titanium is prized because of its beauty and appearance. The watches made from titanium are also extremely lightweight and aren’t affected by perspiration. While titanium is more expensive than stainless steel, it makes up for it in durability and scratch resistance. It’s becoming easier to find titanium watches that are less expensive which is helping to make them more mainstream when it comes to jewelry for men. Titanium is also becoming the metal of choice when it comes to wedding rings for both men and women. The metal is pliable and easily colored to set your wedding rings apart from other couples. Titanium helps you make a statement whether in a ring or a watch.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Reason Titanium is Used in Aerospace Applications

To the aerospace industry, titanium is unequaled. During the earlier days of manufacturing aircrafts, numerous promising concepts could not be put on an assembly line due to the lack of a strong enough metal, which was light enough to benefit an airplane. Yet with the introduction of titanium approximately one hundred years ago, titanium began being utilized, changing things rapidly throughout the whole industry. This metal has remained the dominant chemical element used in the aerospace sector since then and according to scientists and designers it is considered a scientific wonder.
Titanium’s most amazing quality is its exceptional strength to weight ration. While in its natural form, titanium is surprisingly soft and weak. Once it is alloyed, however, titanium becomes the amazingly powerful and useful substance we are accustomed to. In addition to this, titanium is incredibly heat resistant, being able to resist heat up to 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit. Titanium is also resistant to oxidation, does not fracture easily, is corrosion resistant, and hardly ever reaches the point of chemical fatigue. Large quantities of titanium are not only utilized by the aerospace industry. Numerous automotive components are manufactured daily by the automotive industry. The jewelry industry is another that makes use of titanium’s versatile characteristics. Medical research sectors also use titanium and have created artificial limbs for the disabled with the use of titanium. Dental appliances are also taking advantage of metal, as titanium works well as implants. Of course, the military has made use of this remarkable material. The areas that titanium is utilized by the military seem endless. For example, fighter jets are equipped with titanium engine components, body panels, and wings. This wonder metal is also found in landing gear and a wide variety of parts for aircraft, avionics, and other weapons. The duel characteristics of mega strength and low weight make the metal a staple of modern science. Like the Titans who ruled completely over their domain, and the beings for which it is named after, titanium has taken the leading role in aerospace technology. Modern technology would not look the same without the usage of this material. If it did not exist, technology would not be so advanced.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Titanium and Men’s Wedding Bands

Titanium wedding bands for men are becoming more readily available than they were in the past. These rings can be found anywhere from high end jewelry stores to outlet stores. You have to keep in mind though that not all titanium wedding bands are created equally, as is the case with any item that you’re looking to purchase. There is a choice of titanium bands from aircraft grade titanium to regular titanium.
Titanium didn’t begin its life as a jewelry metal. It was first used in the aerospace industry because of its ability to withstand temperature variations and is lightweight. If you buy an aircraft grade titanium wedding band you’re getting a ring that is scratch resistant and because the metal is 100 percent compatible with the human body’s composition, there are no allergic reactions noted.
It’s only been in recent years that couples are setting their sights on titanium wedding bands. In the past men were limited to wedding bands of white or yellow gold or even platinum. With the trends of men getting more involved in the planning of their weddings and in wanting to wear a wedding band that sets them apart from the crowd, they’re looking at cobalt, stainless steel, tungsten and of course, titanium. While not all titanium wedding bands are easy to find at the local jewelry stores, there are many online sites at which to find them.
The reason there is a preference for titanium wedding bands is that not only are they strong, durable and scratch resistant, they are also not heavy. Men who work with their hands or are in job situations in which their ring could become dented or scratched will appreciate the beauty and durability of a titanium wedding band. Some men choose a titanium ring because it is as shiny as platinum and could be brushed to give it a more modern look.
The history of titanium is that it was discovered in 1795 and because of its strength it was named after the ancient god Titan. Before the metal was used for wedding bands and other jewelry it was used for airplane propellers, aerospace parts and other aircraft parts. When wearing a titanium wedding band it’s like wearing a piece of history around your finger!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Titanium As a Material

Titanium is all around us. As a material, it encompasses many properties which make it useful in many industries. For example, its non-toxic qualities leave it a perfect material in the medical industry. When used as part of an implant, the chance of the body rejecting the transplant is very low. However, its durability, again, is ideal for the medical field. Joint replacements are often constructed from titanium sheets since its longevity can be over twenty years once in place. This means that throughout a patient’s lifetime they will have to endure fewer operations as they have longer lasting materials offering overall improved joint replacements.
Titanium is also used in many forms of fun. Various hobbies have come to appreciate the unique characteristics of titanium. As this metal is strong, yet light, it is perfect in many different arenas. Radio-controlled cars, planes and helicopters utilize titanium parts, taking advantage of the strength it offers without adding much weight. Various radio-controlled cars make use of the material when building steering linkages and gears in addition to other areas where sturdiness counts. However, titanium is not all fun and games. It is used in some helicopters when creating linkages to guarantee a solid connection between the main rotor controls. Combat robotics is another popular field where titanium is utilized. The material is used when creating component pieces. It is also a perfect choice for armor when creating combat robotics, where only a most durable material will do. The usefulness of titanium is well-known in the tooling industry. Screwdriver bit and drill bits are often manufactured using titanium as they are more advanced than steel bits. Additionally, they last longer than steel bits. Furthermore, when compared to a standard set, the price is not generally much higher. You may be surprised to realize the number of people who actually have a set in their toolbox right now. Lastly, the jewelry industry has taken notice of this diverse material. Due to its durable, light nature, titanium is often more cost effective than jewelry parts used in the past. For this reason, it is often utilized when making men’s wedding bands. Most grooms find that the metal fits their needs rather than a flashy, more expensive band. In addition to this, the hardiness of this sort of wedding band fits the lifestyle of a hands-on man. Many jewelry manufacturers keep titanium suppliers busy, as they hold large purchasing accounts for the material.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Best Titanium Gadgets For Campers

Titanium is nothing less than a miracle metal, long known to be durable and stain resistant, but only recently “discovered” by designers and architects who need strong, lightweight substances in everything from airplanes to skyscrapers. Titanium fills the bill, due to its extremely high strength-to-weight ratio. A small piece of the metal can support many thousands of times its own weight. In camping and other outdoor activities, titanium has found its niche as the one of the most popular metals. In endurance sports, hiking, camping, and countless other activities, the wonder metal’s popularity continues to soar.

Some of the coolest gadgets and gizmos around are made from titanium. If you like to cook on your camping trips, consider buying a titanium, folding wood stove. These handy little items make it simple to fire up the grill when you are far away from the comforts of a real kitchen. If you want to keep your spending in the realm of sanity, that’s not a problem, since the stoves typically cost only around $50.

Titanium eating utensils should be the other addition to your outdoor cooking paraphernalia collection. Chopsticks, and even folding spoon-forks, are the two most commonly seen utensils out on the trail. They last for longer than you need them to, are almost indestructible, and will not hit you in the wallet, with standard prices in the under-$10 range.

If you are into the extreme sporting craze, or just like to do some wilderness camping every now and then, you need a safe, and dry, place to keep your valuables. That’s where titanium, again, comes in handy. The cash stash is a tube that screws together and will keep almost anything dry and safe, even on a rough river canoe trip, a mountain hike, or similarly “extreme” endeavors.

No camper should be without an all-in-one tool. Titanium all-in-ones come in a wide assortment of styles. Some are more adorned than others, but most consist of several screwdrivers, a punch, two or three pocketknives, a scissors, and numerous other permutations of tool-age. If you get an all-in-one that is made from titanium, you are buying a very handy device that will be with you for your entire life. No kidding. They have so many uses, you will be discovering new applications for your Titanium all-in-one tool for years to come. In fact, if you purchase only one titanium gadget for camping, or any outdoor activity, the all-in-one is probably the best way to spend a few dollars.