Monday, May 7, 2012

The Reason Titanium is Used in Aerospace Applications

To the aerospace industry, titanium is unequaled. During the earlier days of manufacturing aircrafts, numerous promising concepts could not be put on an assembly line due to the lack of a strong enough metal, which was light enough to benefit an airplane. Yet with the introduction of titanium approximately one hundred years ago, titanium began being utilized, changing things rapidly throughout the whole industry. This metal has remained the dominant chemical element used in the aerospace sector since then and according to scientists and designers it is considered a scientific wonder.
Titanium’s most amazing quality is its exceptional strength to weight ration. While in its natural form, titanium is surprisingly soft and weak. Once it is alloyed, however, titanium becomes the amazingly powerful and useful substance we are accustomed to. In addition to this, titanium is incredibly heat resistant, being able to resist heat up to 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit. Titanium is also resistant to oxidation, does not fracture easily, is corrosion resistant, and hardly ever reaches the point of chemical fatigue. Large quantities of titanium are not only utilized by the aerospace industry. Numerous automotive components are manufactured daily by the automotive industry. The jewelry industry is another that makes use of titanium’s versatile characteristics. Medical research sectors also use titanium and have created artificial limbs for the disabled with the use of titanium. Dental appliances are also taking advantage of metal, as titanium works well as implants. Of course, the military has made use of this remarkable material. The areas that titanium is utilized by the military seem endless. For example, fighter jets are equipped with titanium engine components, body panels, and wings. This wonder metal is also found in landing gear and a wide variety of parts for aircraft, avionics, and other weapons. The duel characteristics of mega strength and low weight make the metal a staple of modern science. Like the Titans who ruled completely over their domain, and the beings for which it is named after, titanium has taken the leading role in aerospace technology. Modern technology would not look the same without the usage of this material. If it did not exist, technology would not be so advanced.


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  2. People will got many essential info about titanium thanks for offering this informative
