Thursday, August 12, 2010

Properly Caring for Your Titanium Jewelry

Like other metals, titanium jewelry will acquire a few scuffs from every day wear. Although its advised to remove jewelry before engaging in activities that involve heavy knocks and abrasion (such as going to the gym, doing yard work, playing sports or operating equipment) there are a few tips to cleaning titanium jewelry.

1. You may use liquid dish soap and water to remove grease and dirt from your titanium jewelry.

2. Rinse and then spray with a glass cleaner, such as Windex.

3. Rinse again and dry with a soft towel that will not scratch the metal further.

4. For those rings and pieces with a high polish, use a metal polish designed specifically for titanium.

5. For rings with stones, soak the ring in a solution of half ammonia cleaner and water for fifteen minutes and then continue with regular cleaning. This will help remove dirt from under the stones.